Lisa Sieverts

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Preparing to Teach: T Minus 13

Yesterday, I opened up my Canvas site to registered students and I sent an email to all 32 of them (30 maximum, 2 on the waitlist). I have no idea if all my emails went in to spam folders, but at least I’ve done my part to remind students of the work they need to do before the course begins.

As I mentioned in my last post, the big news of the week was the decision to go back to software called Yellowdig for online discussion. The most important thing for me is that our discussions are lively and community-building. While Yellowdig is not perfect, it seems to be better suited to my needs than the other options available to me.

Because I don’t have enough on my plate (not!), I decided to try out MailMate as my email platform. I have about ten email addresses and it can be tricky keeping up with all of them. So far so good with MailMate. I like the plain text/Markdown aspect of it.

Tools used: MailMate, Canvas, Yellowdig