Lisa Sieverts

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Projects: The Importance of Identifying the Need

😱 Are you making this mistake with your projects? Projects are launched without clearly specifying The Need.

This happens all too often!

🌀 When we skip this step, projects end up meandering, taking up time but never reaching completion.

The Need describes the situation today. We have looked at our current environment and can say “these specific problems must be solved.”

🦄 Instead we often skip ahead and focus on the future, documenting how the world will be wonderful once the project is complete.

For example, the leaders might say “We need a strategic marketing plan.” That’s skipping ahead to the solution! As project managers, we have to ask probing questions to identify the problem they want solved. Perhaps the Need is that sales are slowing. Or the Need is that we’re introducing a new product. Can you see how these different Needs would lead to different solutions?

⛈️ When we don’t take the time to describe the issues today, we are in danger of spending time on the wrong stuff. We get to the end of the project and realize we never solved the original problem.

Before your next launch, make sure you and your team fully understand The Need for the project. With this one easy step, your projects will proceed more smoothly without chaos and confusion.


When you want help identifying The Need for your projects, message me here on LinkedIn. Let’s set up a Discovery Call to explore how I can help you achieve your project goals.